“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you´ll go.”
― Dr. Seuss, I can read with my eyes shut!

miércoles, 27 de agosto de 2014

lunes, 25 de agosto de 2014

Free e-books!!


Great news!!! Oxford owl has lots of titles for you to enjoy, for free!! All you have to do is just  sign in and you´ll be able to choose from a wonderful selection of stories for different ages, different series and types; including several "Winnie the witch" ones.(The free ones are the ones with the yellow e)
Check it out: http://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/for-home/reading-owl/find-a-book/library-page
Have fun!! I did :)

miércoles, 20 de agosto de 2014



Hi kids, today  i have a suggestion for the most avid readers: Louis Sachar´s "Holes". This story has become a classic.
 Stanley Yelnats has to make a choice: go to prison or attend campr Green lake. He was born into a poor family and has never been to camp before so... but soon enough he will find out camp is not at all what he expected.
Oh! and here is the link to the author´s webpage. Check out what he had to say about this book.http://www.louissachar.com/HolesBook.htm

jueves, 14 de agosto de 2014

Reviews done by peers!


Hey guys, check this out! Dogobooks page has wonderful book reviews done by kids your age. http://www.dogobooks.com/
 If you ever feel like you are not sure what book to read next, check what other people have to say about it, you might find it helpful.

domingo, 10 de agosto de 2014

Readathon 4°, 5° y 6° grado

Julia Donaldson

Esta vez la sugerencia es para primer ciclo. La autora Británica Julia Donaldson, conocida por su libro "The Gruffalo", entre otros, ha aterrizado en la biblioteca. Aquí su página oficial: http://www.juliadonaldson.co.uk/
Tenemos nuevos libros de esta autora para disfrutar: "The smallest giant in town", "The snail and the whale", "The gruffalo´s child", "Charlie Cook´s favourite book" y "The princess and the wizard". No se los pierdan!

sábado, 9 de agosto de 2014

For the fans of "The one in the middle is the green kangaroo"

"The pain and the great one" is another book by Judy Blume you might fall in love with. It is the story of two sibblings that not always see eye to eye. This is what she had to say about the book:  http://www.judyblume.com/books/picture/pain.php

And here is a video version of the story. Enjoy!

The Pain and The Great One by Judy Blume from Spree Hilliard on Vimeo.

jueves, 7 de agosto de 2014

Audioteca de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires

Acá les dejo un link muy interesante. La audioteca de  la ciudad de Buenos Aires cuenta con una gran variedad de cuentos de autores Argentinos, narados por ellos mismos. Son una joyita para aprovechar. Aquí el link: http://www.buenosaires.gob.ar/areas/com_social/audiovideoteca/literatura/chicos_es.php
Encontrarán relatos de Gustavo Roldán, Ema Wolf, Ana María Shua, María Elena Walsh, Liliana Bodoc, Luis María Pescetti entre otros.
Personalmente les recomiendo el relato de Graciela Cabal, parte de "Secretos de familia": http://www.buenosaires.gob.ar/areas/com_social/audiovideoteca/literatura/chicos_cabal_audio_mov_es.php

Más de Lucas Lenz.

Para todos los fanáticos de los policiales, en especial a los que ya conocen a De Santis y Lucas Lenz, les recomiendo la segunda aventura de este particular detective. No se trata de una novedad editorial sino de un clásico imperdible. La historia es un poco más compleja que la primera pero igual de atrapante. Déjense envolver por sus aventuras, cada vez más peligrosas.